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Classic, Self-Expressive Asian Ladies

Talking to a friend the other day, and for some reason, this classic ad for Yellowpages popped into my head... and I just started laughing by myself, same thing happen this morning in the shower. So I hunted it down and replayed it over and over. That's my attempt to cure my spontaneous laughing fits that seems to occur for no apparent reason, to others anyway.

It's old I know, but oh so good. I mean who can top 'Thai Harder'?

What I like about it, is that it tells a story, there is a progression and as audiences we're given characters to get to know. I love that. The two ladies are played to the stereotypical, self-expressive and over-the-top Asian ladies that bring about this memorable moment...

I'll take this opportunity to salute all self-expressing and 'take no shit from no one' cute Asian ladies. You've got to give them credit for having the guts to do what we often hesitate to do when reacting to injustice or situations of extreme, personal urgency.

Stereotypes unfortunately are, at most time, true. I mean, the 'rage' is totally relative to my mum when she's yelling at my dad cuz he is hungover. Don't worry, my family is normal like that, it's how we roll... ha.


  • nerissa said...

    hahahahaha was that person me? This is THE best ad, yellow pages never fails to impress!
